In case you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the attacks on Ukraine, and how it managed to raise $4m in Bitcoin donations to help fight Russia.

Despite the recent market crashes especially affecting many who’ve already invested into crypto and egging on naysayers, this latest news shows us that at least in the years to come, crypto is here to stay. The risks may be high, but with proper research and planning done, the gains can also be high.

Here are some of the crypto projects to consider putting your funds in, rather than the traditional banks:

Decentraland (MANA)

Decentraland is a virtual world hosted on the blockchain where users can buy NFTs to be used in the metaverse, to create their own characters, buy in-game land and more. It’s an interesting investment that will be likely to grow with the metaverse growing and becoming more of a (virtual) reality. MANA is their cryptocurrency that facilitates purchases of LAND (their NFTs), as well as other virtual goods and services used in Decentraland.

Bondex (BNDX)

Bondex prides itself on being a Web 3.0 Talent Network focusing on disrupting the demand and supply of talent for the blockchain industry. Their model implements tokenized rewards to optimize the recruitment process, offering higher transparency and engagement. It is powered by its native cryptocurrency, BNDX. A portion of the ecosystem’s net income will be allocated to network bonuses and rewards, redistributing via a value sharing pool for BNDX holders and a performance value pool for users with high ratings. The token could also be used for data monetization and value distribution, network incentives and governance.

United DAO (UTD)

United DAO is a promising upcoming project to be launched in Q1 2022 that aims to make DeFi 3.0 a reality by working on the current problems in DeFi, through establishing credibility, governance, and risk management. Users can gain longer-term passive income as compared to the above which are more active. United DAO plans overcome token volatility through new tokenomics, meaning potentially lower risks and higher gains. Their token is UTD, which can be bought from the market or bonding liquidity in exchange for UTD. UTD can be staked in return for more rewards (more UTD), which the treasury derives from the sale of bonds.

The above projects listed above are our top selections. We encourage you to research them and decide for yourself whether or not they’re the kinds of projects you want to invest in because there are lots of great coins on the market that can sky-rocket.


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